You have probably heard the saying ‘it’s lonely at the top’

The question is, is it really? Does it have to be? Or are leaders who find themselves lonely at the top just not able to connect and carry their people along?

Sometime ago I saw this poster. It got me thinking about various leadership styles.

If you have been to any of my sessions you would have definitely heard me use this phrase

‎’He who thinks he leads and has no one following him, is only taking a walk’ John C Maxwell ‎

I remember sharing this at a radio station in South Africa and the 2 radio hosts burst out laughing. They even took it up a notch by asking their listeners – ‘Are you leading or just taking a stroll?’

How about you? Are you taking a walk? perhaps jogging or are you leading? Where are your followers?‎

If you are genuine and you really want to be a good leader who’s desire is to carry others along, you need to pay attention: ‎

Know your Math! ‎

1 multiplied by itself = 1 and 1 + nobody = 1. No matter what your organization produces or does, you need people to function. People are your most appreciable asset, treat them accordingly. 1 is too small a number to achieve greatness.

If you go the journey alone, though the journey will be faster, you will not reach your fullest potential. If you carry others along it will take more time, however you will reach your fullest potential and finish strong. ‎

Stop thinking position, Start thinking influence

You aren’t invisible and yes people know your position no need to lord it over them. It is however important to stop thinking in terms of your position.

This will cost you surely to disconnect from your people. Leadership is influence. Nothing more nothing less. You cannot lead anyone you have no influence over.

You might be thinking. Well I am leading well enough, influence or not! Are you really or are your people complying in fear and trembling. In which case you are not a leader but a boss. You have no influence over them, the fear of loosing their job does!

Make it a goal to see the people you lead as teammates and not employees.

Genuinely Care about Your People

People do not care how much you know till they know how much you care.
[Tweet “Whether you like people or you don’t, they know. “]

When you care for your people, they will stretch for you, they will sacrifice for you they will weather the toughest storm with you.

If a leader gets it right, the top is never lonely. Are your people close by or have you lost touch with your them?

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