When we think of dreams, we often think of what happens at night. During sleep, our minds remix fragments of thoughts from the day into whimsical narratives of imagery and emotion. Anyone with a pillow, or better, a dream journal, can tell you that!

But you already know that dreams are more than mind-mixing. So when it comes to your hopes and dreams, “dreams” are the heights of your imagination and desire. Dreams explain what you’d do with your life if given the chance to achieve your creative potential through your own vision of success – no one else’s.

Dream realization, then, isn’t the interpretation of subconscious stories stirred up in wee hours. It’s the concrete recognition of your core needs. It’s the activation of your inner gifts, professionally and personally – because only you have the power to unleash what lives within you.

You may notice that I emphasize dreams throughout my work as a coach, entrepreneur, writer and speaker almost constantly. It’s true – I don’t call myself “your dream coach” without reason! I’ve worked hard to realize my own dreams and have devoted my career to helping others do the same. Like any good dream realized, it brings me great fulfillment.

The road to dream realization is neither quick nor simple, but it does require some basic qualities you’ll be smart to take note of early on. I call these the “three C’s” – confidence, clarity, and competence.

  1. Confidence

Realizing your dreams is more than acknowledging that you have them. Perhaps you’ve always known, deep down, that you want to be an architect, but have never worked up the courage to pursue this as a profession. What’s stopping you? Some may say a lack of bravery, but I believe that, more often, it’s dormant confidence. Yet everyone has at least a grain of confidence that can be grown in time, no matter how challenging it may be.

Without confidence in myself and my talents, I would’ve never quit the 9 to 5 grind to pursue my high calling, let alone started my own business, TV show, podcast, books and courses. I had to believe in myself even when it was difficult to do so. I was compelled to lift myself up, trust in my beliefs and my skills, and keep at it every day.

Working up confidence can be tough, but even a small spark can ignite a great fire. When it comes to dream realization, finding this spark and fanning its flame is an important step to achieving the success you deserve.

  1. Clarity

The dreams sleep brings you are often hazy and sometimes nonsensical. So too can your hopes and dreams seem unclear or unfocused, at least in the beginning. Realizing your dream means bringing it into sharp focus and full color. It means really visualizing your path and understanding why you must take it, and how.

Without clarity, even the most confident among us are almost guaranteed to falter. Think of it as a photograph: first comes the snapshot, for which you frame the general image without being quite sure how it will come out. Next, you either develop the film or upload the image. Whether you are you’re in an actual lightroom or a virtual one, editing will bring you clarity through adjustments of light, color, highlights, sharpness and saturation.

All of this is to say, before you realize your dream it must be clear and well-defined. Otherwise you could be stumbling in the dark or running in the wrong direction, or worse, toward a dead end. Clarity also requires that your dream makes sense for you – that, lofty as it may be, it is achievable and well-worth the risk of the climb. Oh yes it is!

  1. Competence

Last but perhaps most important of all, competence, with a path to excellence, is required to realize your dreams. This may seem like it goes without saying, but you’d be surprised how many people believe confidence is fine without competence or will mistake the one for the other. Sure, some people excel by sheer luck and will power, but sooner or later Humpty Dumpty will have a great fall! If you lack the skills and you keep winging it, it will all come crumbling down.

I also think most of us have core competencies that we tend to build our dreams around, and it is our duty to refine these skills as we move toward our goals. I consider myself a serial learner and encourage others to adopt this tendency as much as possible – for how can a person accelerate without proper fuel? We are all constantly growing whether we realize it or not. If you think otherwise, think again – your growth may be warped or stunted by false satisfaction.

This isn’t to say there’s no point at which you can settle down and enjoy the life you’ve built, the skills you have, and appreciate the world around you. It’s all about balance and finding that sweet spot where you can be happy with the self you have made while still grabbing hold of opportunities as they come.

Together, confidence, clarity, and competence are key ingredients in realizing your creative potential in all areas of life. And these ingredients, like that of a fine recipe, can mix to cook up a delicious life worth savoring. With the right guidance and technique, your dreams will see the light of day before you know it!