Would you attempt to drive a brand new luxury car you are not very familiar with, without a manual? Or would you rather take some time to read through the manual?

We figure, if we know the basics, everything will fall in line. Now, how about life? Are you living your life with or without a manual? your own special print.

Years ago when I bought my first SUV, I remember thinking to myself, ‘Is this for real? Is this my car? This is my car!’ In fact, if I could walk and carry the car instead just so it wouldn’t get dirty, I would have!

On my way home, I stopped to fill the tank at the gas station and behold, things started falling apart. First, I didn’t know which side of the car the tank was. When I finally figured that out, I had no clue how to open the tank! what a mess! All the service men, managers, drivers, even children tried to help, they were all clueless also. It was a fiasco! Finally it occurred to me to check the manual. Deliverance was at hand!

The plot thickened… heading home from the gas station, I suddenly started to feel very hot, I was sweating very seriously. The AC was on full blast, yet it seemed like my seat was on fire. There was a strange looking sign on the dash board. Once again I had to park the car and check the manual. It turned out that I had activated the seat warmer by accident.

Fast forward. I learned all I could about that vehicle. Driving a really good car, without understanding or exploring everything the car can do, is a big waste of car. It defeats the whole purpose of its unique design.

Our lives are very much the same. God created each one of us uniquely. A combination of our individual talents, abilities, dreams, personality types and more, make us unique, original and irreplaceable! Unfortunately, too many people spend a life time wandering away from the direction they are meant to go.


Mark Twain
“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born, and the day you find out why.”

Here are 7 questions that will help you discover your purpose:

  1. What is your passion?
  2. How have past lessons and experiences prepared you to pursue your passion?
  3. What’s happening to others in this area (the trends)?
  4. What do you want to accomplish?
  5.  What part does God play in your life and dream?
  6.  What resources are available to you?
  7.  Who can partner with you in this pursuit?

You are the some total of the choices and decisions you make everyday. Take your life out of park or neutral, and turbo charge!

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