Sometimes, no matter what you do to move forward in some areas of your life, it can seem like you are pushing against a brick wall, and just when you are thinking you’ve got it all figured out, something else hits you.

The storms of life often come when all is good and calm But never forget the ‘God Factor’. The presence of a storm doesn’t mean the absence of God. God is Sovereign. Nothing shakes him. We need only to observe and draw strength from his attitude and response in the eye of the storm. One time he was with his team on a boat, in the midst of a storm, He was fast asleep and unruffled by the storm. At another time a very monstrous storm hit, this time, He walked on the ferocious waves.

Let’s follow His Lead, and look beyond the stormy situation. What is of utmost concern is the state of your heart. If nothing affects you on the inside, anything happening on the outside is irrelevant.

‘Guard your heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life’

If there wasn’t anything of value in your heart, it wouldn’t need guarding.

The Next time you feel like Quitting:

  1. Trust your coach (God first)
  2. Rest
  3. Pace yourself. The journey is not a sprint, but a marathon.
  4. Remain faithful and consistent where you are.
  5. Celebrate the distance you’ve come.
  6. Imagine you’re in a race and listen for the cheers of those who have gone before you.
  7. The place of your appointing is the place of your announcing.
  8. The place of your assignment can sometimes be the place of your greatest disappointment.

Stay the course… never say ‘I Quit’

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