Everyone has got the seeds of success inside them. It’s however disheartening to see that many people fail to grow and reach their potential.

So what keeps people from being successful? One of the main reasons is low self-esteem.

Many people don’t believe in themselves.

In my last post, I talked about how You matter and also gave some love notes to help you fall in love with You. I have taken time out to write out some thought provoking questions that should help you on your success journey.
First let’s establish the following Statements:
  • The first person to limit me is myself. Self esteem is the single most significant key to a person’s behavior. Perhaps you want to build a large organization. If your desire is at the level 10 but your self esteem is a 5, you’ll never perform at the level of a 10. People never outperform their self image

“It is impossible to consistently behave in a manner inconsistent with how we see ourselves. We can do very few things in a positive way if we feel negative about ourselves” – Zig Ziglar ‎

  • The first person to cause me problems is myself. Acknowledging this brings about self-honesty. You must take responsibility for your life and work. You never win the blame game. You only whine and throw pity parties. And guess what? Such behavior drags down the morale of everyone around you.
  • The first person I must change is myself. This empowering attitude paves the way to self-improvement. ‎
“Personal development is the belief that you are worth the effort, time and energy needed to develop yourself – Denis Waitley‎

Questions To Help You on Your Success Journey:


  • What do I want the PICTURE of my future to look like?

In my dream sessions. I always ask participants to do up a picture collage of their future. And yes they are allowed to think very big indeed. If you could browse and get pictures online for your life collage. How would your preferred future look like?

Vision connotes a visual reality, a portrait of a preferred future.

You will only be able to accomplish your vision once you’ve painted it on the canvas of your mind.

[Tweet “Your dream must be compelling and very well defined before you pursue it – Coach Amina”]

If your vision is not clear, then no strategy will work, and you will be unable to prioritize correctly. Sadly, most people skip this step of clarifying their vision, and their dream remains fuzzy and unspecific. As a result, they never achieve it.


  • How do I PLAN toward my vision of the picture. 

To fulfill your vision, you have to stop day dreaming and start strategizing. People who see their vision materialize are the ones who have devised concrete plans to enlist supporters, build a team, gather resources, and upgrade their abilities. By breaking your big picture into smaller steps, and by creating mile markers to chart progress, your strategy will inspire action which in turn will move you closer to your vision.


  • Are my PRIORITIES in line with my vision?

Here is another way of asking this question – Am I using my time wisely? As I mentioned in an earlier post, time cannot be managed. It cannot be controlled in any way. It is forward ever, no matter what you do. Everyone gets the same number of hours and minutes every day.

[Tweet “You get the same 24 hours as world leaders do. Use your time wisely – Coach Amina”]

Nobody—no matter how shrewd—can save minutes from one day to spend on another.

[Tweet “Stop talking about trying to find time. There aren’t any extra minutes lying around! – Coach Amina”]

You can‘t manage your time. So what can you do? Manage yourself! or more accurately, Lead yourself!

Nothing separates successful people from unsuccessful people more than how they use their time. Successful people understand that time is the most precious commodity on earth. As a result, they know where their time goes. They continually analyze how they are using their time.

Make time for ‘You’, sort through these questions and set your foundation straight.

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