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Posts filed under: Process/Growth

I didn’t have many people to talk to when I first became a Coach. I’ll be real with you; life was HARD. Business was slow even though I was putting round-the-clock work in, and I worried about the future constantly. I had the love and support of my husband and children, which...
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Happily ever after wasn’t supposed to be this exhausting. You thought that you would be able to relax after you managed to climb your way to success. Your business is thriving; your profits have never been so high. You would probably be celebrating if you weren’t so tired. Your business is starting...
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They say that every cloud has a silver lining, but it doesn’t feel that way when you’re indefinitely submerged in the shadows. While a silver lining might not surface right away, or ever, you can still cultivate positivity and stride toward brighter days. Sometimes, the fastest way to rebound after a tough...
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When we think of dreams, we often think of what happens at night. During sleep, our minds remix fragments of thoughts from the day into whimsical narratives of imagery and emotion. Anyone with a pillow, or better, a dream journal, can tell you that! But you already know that dreams are more...
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[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/6″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]‘I’ve got so much on my mind’ ‘I am always thinking’. Have you ever heard anyone talk like this? Interestingly the thinking referred to here is ‘worry’ and not actual thinking. ‎ One thing we don’t do a lot of is ‘think’. As crazy as that may sound, it is...
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Ever been on a trip and couldn’t find your bearings? How did you eventually find your way? ‎ On a trip, how do you know how far or how close you are to your destination? ‎ How do you find your bearings?‎ ‎ When you’ve taken a trip often enough, the route...
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Where were you 10 years ago? Who were you then? How have you grown since then? On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the highest, how would you rate your growth in the past 10 years? ‎ 10 years ago… I had loads of dreams and wrote them down too…...
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Let’s take a journey into the year 2025… Sit for a moment…breathe in and breathe out… Relax your nerves and shut down everything buzzing around you… Now draw a picture in your mind’s eye, of who you hope to become in 10 years? ‎ ‎ Who will you be?‎ What will you...
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‘Potential’ is one of the most wonderful words in the world. It looks forward with optimism. It is filled with hope. It promises success. It hints at greatness. It is based on possibilities. Sure you know that feeling; when you start a new project, buy a new car, create a new Facebook...
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When there is a hole in a bucket depending on the size of the hole, no matter how much you pour in, it leaks out. All the content in the bucket empties out in time. This can be directly related to us, one way or another. Are you so busy with work...
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