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Take The Lead [Live Event]

Scale your business with high-level leveraged models and strategies that dramatically increase your value, attract high-paying clients, and position you as a leading authority in your field.

—so you stop working so hard for too little impact and finally get paid for the true value of the work you do.

Join Me At The Take The Lead Virtual Live Event - February 20th, 21st & 22nd, 2025

You Weren’t Built To Work This Hard for Too Little Impact

I know you’re driven to deliver your bigger vision as quickly and powerfully as possible.

With your expertise and experience, you should be leading, scaling, and making the kind of impact you’ve always envisioned.

But the reality is, you’re overworked, underpaid, and if you’ve been questioning whether your current business model is holding you back—it’s because it is. 

You didn’t come this far to feel stuck, burned out, or constantly sacrificing your work-life balance.

What you need is to step into a leadership role where your systems do the heavy lifting, allowing you to scale without burning out.

But here’s the real challenge:

Hard work alone isn’t the answer. The real challenge is shifting from a model that demands more of your time than it gives in return.

You’ve mastered your craft, but to shatter your income ceiling and scale your business, you need more than just skill.

You need a model that allows you to serve more people, make more money, and truly become the authority in your space.

Stepping into this model requires more than systems—it requires the mindset and confidence to lead at a higher level, allowing your vision to scale as your business grows.

There’s A Better Way

It’s time to stop running in circles and move toward a business model that leverages your time, amplifies your impact, and expands your reach.

This goes way beyond just putting systems in place—it’s about stepping into that leadership role where you’re not only scaling your business but delivering your vision on a much larger scale.

I’m going to show you how to shift from your current way of working to a leveraged model that gives you the income, influence, and freedom you deserve.

The Best Part

This transformation can happen faster than you think. You can take your business from serving a few to serving many—almost overnight.

With the right systems in place, you’ll be able to scale your revenue and authority quickly, without burning out. 

It’s all about getting bigger results with less effort, and it can happen sooner than you ever imagined.

When you step into the right model and structure, something powerful happens:

You start to Take the Lead!

You take your time back, scale your reach, and create a bigger impact without sacrificing your lifestyle, positioning yourself as the preeminent leader in your field.

Expert Positioning so strong that it makes people desperately thirsty for a tall glass of whatever you’re pouring!

"Coach Amina Z has a most effective manner of presenting a challenging subject matter that stretches one’s thinking… Her professional image and her masterful knowledge of her subject are her more notable attributes. As a direct result of this program, I found the courage to BUY OUT my business partner and become my own brand. I now spend my free time going after my other very unique dreams.”
Terrence Tracey

This Is Perfect If:

You are…

Stuck at a plateau: You’ve hit a ceiling—not just in terms of money, but in how many hours you can work. Despite your hard work, your revenue growth has stalled. There is another way to take that same expertise and apply it in a way that’s simpler, faster, and more effective, delivering even better results for both you and your clients.

Needing to pivot: Your current business model feels outdated and no longer aligns with who you are. You’re burned out from trading hours for dollars with one-to-one services. Now, you’re ready to step into a one-to-many model, where you can leverage your knowledge and impact more people—while reclaiming your time and energy.

Ready to Scale: You’re a powerhouse coach, consultant, or service-based entrepreneur who’s built a solid career and hit six figures, but scaling beyond that has been a challenge. You’ve got bold ideas and a vision for more, but you need a framework to turn those ideas into high-end offerings that set you apart and deliver real results.

Values-Driven Decision Maker: You’re someone who values integrity, personal growth, and work-life balance. While careful with your investments, you know that big results require strategic, high-level decisions—and you’re ready to invest when the ROI is clear.

You want…

A Scalable, Sustainable Model: You want a business that’s not just profitable, but scalable. You’re looking for a model that grows with you, allowing you to serve more clients, generate more revenue, and maintain the quality and standards you’re known for—without burning out.

Freedom and Flexibility: You want a business model that gives you more freedom—freedom to step away without things falling apart and the flexibility to focus on what truly lights you up. No more being chained to your business; it’s time to lead it with ease.

Clients Who Pay Top Dollar Without Hesitation: You want to attract premium clients who value your expertise and are ready to invest at high levels. No more convincing, no more undercharging.

Impact and Legacy: You want to scale beyond just making money. You want to leave a lasting mark, impact thousands, even millions, and become a thought leader in your industry.

Sound like you? 

Then get ready, because this 3-day immersive experience is designed to take you from where you are now to where you know you want to be.

This isn’t just another “event” where you collect notes and leave. This is a transformative experience designed to shift the way you run your business—from your mindset to your systems, and ultimately, your income.

You’re here because you know you’re ready for more—more clients, more impact, and more income. Over 3 days, I’m going to give you the roadmap to make that happen.

But what’s that worth?

For an immersive, high-level experience designed to radically transform your business and income potential, the value speaks for itself.

What To Expect…

Over the next three days, you’ll gain the exact structure needed to amplify your value, attracts ultra high-paying clients, and positions you as a leading authority in your field.

Day 1: Impact: The Business Model

Expand Your Reach, Multiply Your Results

We’re not here to play small. Day 1 is all about refining your business model, systems, and offers to amplify your impact and expand your reach—without burning out or sacrificing quality.

We’ll dive into leveraged models that allow you to serve more clients, scale your offers, and increase your revenue, all while maintaining the high standards your clients expect.

Together We Will:

Build a Scalable Service Model That Delivers Big Results: 

You’ll learn how to design a service model that actually works—serving more clients without burning out. We’ll streamline your services to maximize impact while delivering the serious value your clients already love, without sacrificing the quality they count on.

Define Your Signature System

Because you shouldn’t just be selling deliverables, but your approach too. We’ll create a signature system that’s uniquely yours—a process that turns your expertise into an offer that has clients saying, “Where do I sign up?

Create Premium Offers That Sell Themselves:

You’ll design high-value offers that align perfectly with your clients’ deepest needs and scale with ease. You’ll walk away with offers that make working with you feel like a must—allowing you to serve more clients, maximize your time, and deliver serious value, without sacrificing quality.

Without the right business model, offers, and systems in place, growth becomes a constant uphill battle. But when you have a structure that amplifies your impact, streamlines your systems, and elevates your offers, you’ll have the freedom, authority, and momentum to deliver your vision on the scale you’ve always imagined.

Day 2: Income: Money Model

Make more, WorK Less

Let’s talk about getting paid what you’re worth—and then some. We need to make sure your business isn’t just busy—it’s profitable.

On Day 2, we’ll strip away small thinking and focus on creating a money model that allows you to bring in the income you deserve—without needing to work more hours.

This is where we take the value you offer and structure it in a way that your bank account (and your lifestyle) will thank you for.

I’ll show you how to:

Design a High-Impact Leveraged Progression Plan: 

Discover how to structure your services and systems so each layer builds on the last, allowing you to expand your business without reinventing the wheel. This plan helps you scale your offerings and deliver your bigger vision, turning your expertise into a gift that keeps on giving.

Price for Impact: 

We’re not just setting arbitrary prices. You’ll walk away with a premium pricing strategy that reflects the real value of your expertise. We’ll break down the math and the mindset behind confidently charging what you’re worth—ensuring your pricing feels like a no-brainer to clients ready to invest big.

Maximize the Lifetime Value of Your Clients: 

We’ll dive into strategies that increase the financial return from each client relationship. You’ll learn how to structure your offers and services so clients stay longer, invest more, and continue seeing the value in working with you—increasing your revenue without the constant need to chase new leads.

Without a solid money model, even the best offers can fall short. But with a strategy that maximizes revenue and aligns with your value, you’ll have the financial foundation to grow your business, increase your income, and enjoy the freedom you deserve.

Day 3: Influence: The Scale Model

Lead, Scale, and Dominate Your Space

You’ve built value, set up a profitable money model, and now it’s time to take things up a notch.

Day 3 is all about scaling your business in a way that’s sustainable, strategic, and powerful. No more being the best-kept secret. It’s time to lead and dominate your space.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

The 3 Most Important Systems Every Business Needs To Scale

The truth is—scaling isn’t just about adding more clients. It’s about having systems that make growth feel like a smooth operation, not chaos. We’ll focus on the critical systems that give you radical clarity on the results you deliver, ensuring you grow without burning out or losing your edge.

The One Thing That Makes Your Business Unstoppable

This is the move that will set you apart from everyone else in your space. We’re talking about positioning yourself as the go-to authority so that clients are chasing you, not the other way around. You’ll learn how to create a ripple effect that keeps the momentum going strong, long after the initial push.

Leadership that Scales with You

You’re not just a coach or consultant—you’re a leader. We’ll show you how to step fully into your leadership role and build a team that supports your vision. This leadership mindset is the key to scaling with ease and creating a lasting legacy in your industry.

You’ll learn how to delegate like a pro, manage your team effectively, and expand your business without losing that personal touch that makes your brand stand out.

Without the systems, strategy, and leadership to guide your growth, scaling can feel like an endless grind. But with the right blueprint, you’ll expand your reach, deepen your influence, and build the kind of legacy that leaves a lasting mark on your industry.

Event Schedule

Each day kicks off at 11 am ET, wrapping up around 8 pm ET on Thursday and Friday, and 6 pm ET on Saturday. Don’t worry, we’ve built in plenty of breaks to keep you energized and focused throughout the day.

"This was timely intervention for my business and my team. It lit the fire in my heart and gave my team and I a new found inspiration to forge ahead. I am a much stronger leader and my team has a stronger sense of direction, and a deep understanding of the overall vision and individual value to the dream. We've grown in ways we never thought possible."
Sarah Boulos

you’ll Get: 

 Full Access to All 3 Days of Immersive Business Transformation

Before the event begins, you’ll receive access to your personalized event dashboard, complete with all the tools and resources needed for a smooth, immersive, and deeply engaging experience. 

To make sure you’re fully prepared, you’ll also receive a one-on-one check-in, ensuring you’re set up for success and ready to dive in with confidence right from Day 1.

Real-Time Engagement: Live Q&A Sessions

This is your chance to get personalized answers to your business questions during the live sessions. 

No fluff, no vague responses—just real, direct feedback on how you can apply what you’re learning to your unique business challenges.

Access to a Private, Exclusive Facebook Community

You’ll gain access to a private community of like-minded leaders on the same growth trajectory as you. 

This is your space for collaboration, connection, and continuing your journey long after the event.

This isn’t your typical online event—it’s a powerful, hands-on experience that delivers tangible, actionable results. You’ll feel the shift by the end of Day 1.

By the End of This 3-Day Immersive Experience,

You will…

Unlock Your Unique Expertise for Greater Impact: Gain clarity on what sets you apart, and articulate your value in a way that resonates with high-paying clients—positioning you for greater visibility and influence.

Build the Foundation to Boost Your Income: Design a scalable, high-value offer that aligns with your clients’ deepest needs. You’ll leave with a clear strategy to increase your revenue without working more hours.

Position Yourself as a Go-To Authority: Learn how to elevate your authority and create a presence that attracts premium clients and positions you as a leader in your industry.

Gain a Clear Blueprint for Scaling Your Business: Walk away with a practical, step-by-step plan to scale your business—equipped with the systems, structures, and strategies to confidently expand your reach and revenue.

Confidently Deliver Outstanding Results: Learn how to implement strategies that lead to exceptional client outcomes, helping you build a reputation that attracts high-paying clients and long-term success.

Every Moment Will Be One-of-a-kind…

If you’re feeling bummed out because you thought you’d be farther along than you are, or you’re on the verge of burnout from working so hard and not making the money you want, 2025 doesn’t have to look like 2024.

You can have the impact, income, and influence you’ve been aiming for. All it takes is a shift—a move from one-to-one to one-to-many. It’s easier than you think. Give me 3 days, and I’ll show you how to change your business and life forever.

We’ll get real work done, but make no mistake—this experience is going to be unlike anything you’ve been part of before. Expect plenty of laughter, maybe a few tears, and transformations so powerful they’ll leave you speechless. 

From the first moment, you’ll be surrounded by life-changing connections and unforgettable moments of clarity. We’ll roll up our sleeves, dive deep into immersive workshops, and work through real-time breakthroughs that will shift how you see yourself and your business forever.

In just 3 days, you’ll be taking bolder moves than you ever thought possible. You don’t need months of learning to unravel your potential. You’ve already got the expertise and commitment. These 3 days will feel like months of work—accelerated. You’ll finally see what’s been holding you back and make breakthroughs quicker than you imagined.

Together, we’ll take your wildest dreams and craft a strategic, leveraged plan that opens doors you didn’t even know were there. The kind of plan that gets results—and fast. You won’t just talk about scaling your business—you’ll actually do it, with strategies and decisions in place by the end of Day 3. 

By the end of this experience, you’ll walk away feeling recharged, re-energized and renewed with a reimagined sense of purpose for both your business and your life.

"The experience provided such renewed drive in my life that my biggest regret is possibly not doing such a program years earlier AND the wonderful content, management of the program and interactions with other participants, created balance, a greater experience and perspective, it really enhanced the overall experience and value."

This is your opportunity to take a front-row seat at an immersive experience that delivers tangible, measurable returns.


Why You Need to Be In The Room… and Experience It LIVE.

This is more than just an event—it’s an immersive experience designed to shake things up at your core. When you commit fully, you’re not just learning strategies; you open yourself up to transform the way you think, lead, and build your business.

The synergy that happens when you immerse yourself—body, mind, and spirit—creates a profound shift in your mindset, vision, and drive.

In just 3 days, this experience will push you to break through limiting beliefs, make bold moves, and build a business that reflects the bigger vision you know you’re capable of. You don’t need more time—you need acceleration, and this is where it happens.

I’ve spent years perfecting spaces like this—where high-achieving individuals like you break through what’s holding them back and step into their fullest potential. You’ll leave this experience with the clarity, confidence, and strategies needed to scale your business in a way that aligns deeply with your vision and values.

Imagine this 3-day experience as the equivalent of months’ worth of work, coaching, and courses packed into an accelerated immersion. You don’t get that from just watching a webinar or reading a book.

This is the real deal—a launchpad for those ready to accelerate, shatter what’s been holding them back, break through barriers, and make the bold moves they’ve been avoiding. You owe it to yourself to be in this room.

"I opted in without thinking twice, but nothing prepared me for the experience, I found myself nodding throughout day 1. To see that someone gets you and has the insights to help you refine your dreams comes with a lot of relief. Going through the training day after day, it moved from being just another program to becoming an experience."

Ready To Take The Lead? 

I Like Your Style…

I’m Coach Amina Z, leadership, business strategist, and Visionary.

For over two decades, as a Certified Expert Coach, Speaker, and Trainer, I’ve worked with driven leaders like you—leaders who feel a deep urgency to deliver a bigger vision.

My mission is to help you scale faster and more effectively than you thought possible, without wasting time or compromising your values.

As a Maxwell Method of DISC Advanced Certified Behavioral Consultant, I bring deep insights into human behavior, helping you tap into your natural strengths and lead with confidence. 

During this live event, we’ll dive into how to leverage your unique traits to drive results that resonate with your audience and scale your business faster. 

This isn’t just about strategies—it’s about understanding who you are and turning that into a powerful tool for lasting impact.

You’re an expert at what you do, but success to you is more than a title or revenue. 

You want a business that reflects your God-given talents, creates ultra-high-end offers, and delivers impact at scale—all while maintaining the lifestyle you desire.

The TRUTH is… you don’t need more years of learning or drawn-out processes to get there. 

What you need is precision, speed, and strategies that tap into your expertise and turn it into something magnetic and highly profitable.

This is where I come in. My gift is helping people like you clarify and elevate their authority, strategically positioning you as a preeminent leader that high-ticket clients seek out.

Clients tell me I have an uncanny ability to unlock their potential, cutting through the noise and getting them to take action, fast. 

Whether it’s raising your prices, structuring your offers, or scaling through leveraged business models, we’ll get you there with clarity, confidence, and momentum.

Are you ready to step into your next level of leadership and impact? Let’s make it happen.

Come on in.

If you’re ready to step into an immersive, virtual live event where you actually get things done instead of just talking about it, then this experience is for you. 

"There were times when I felt like I didn't know myself but sticking with the program has allowed me to clearly define who I am, what my brand identity is and finally step into my power and authority! I'm so lucky I found this amazing program. Thank you Coach Amina Z for this experience."
Antoine Philips

This is your moment to break free from the limits of your current business model and step into a powerful new chapter for yourself, your business, and your vision. Come on in and stake your claim on the income, impact, and influence you deserve.– It’s time to Take the Lead.