Everything rises and falls on Leadership. Starting with self leadership. A person who is unable to lead himself cannot lead others.The most important person in your life is You. Everything about your life depends on you. Change starts with you.

The same applies to relationships. Real progress begins when you stop trying to change the other person and start making changes in yourself instead.

Michael Jackson’s sang it this way:
I’m starting with the man in the mirror
I’m asking him to change his ways‎
And no message could have been any clearer
If you wanna make the world a better place
Take a look at yourself, and then make a change
~ Michael Jackson “Man in the Mirror”
  • In leadership, the first person we must lead is ourselves. We often talk about time management, but the reality is that time cannot be managed. It is constantly ticking, we however must learn to lead ourselves.
  • In Leadership, the very first person we must examine is ourselves. If our self-perception is distorted, then our attempts to lead others will at best fall short, bordering on manipulation and laced with insecurity. ‎‎


Love notes to help you grow in love with you: ‎


  • You do not need permission to be yourself. The only person you need permission from to be who you are meant to be is YOU! Stop waiting for endorsement, approval or acceptance. If we think negatively of ourselves, we will seek validation from others—extracting value from them. On the contrary, if we have a positive view of ourselves, we will be secure enough to add value to the people around us.
  • Develop your own Strength. Do not be jealous of other people’s gift or strength. Jealousy is a gift robber. It will suck life out of you. You must be about your own business. Stop trying to be someone else. You are an original. The original is always better than the copy.‎
  • Be the best version of YOU – There are over 6 billion people on the planet and not one of them have your fingerprints, eyes or DNA. ‎You have not been mass produced, you do not share the same label with anyone else. Nobody is better than You. There is no other You to compare You with. You were never created to be normal. You were designed to stand out. ‎
  • Hold your image. Have confidence in yourself. Please know tha‎t superiority is not confidence. A confident person does not feel superior. A person who feels superior, deeply struggles with inferiority complex. This person always seek to put others down. Confidence on the other hand, is simply a sure knowledge that you know who you are.  You are not threatened by others and you don’t mind helping out or empowering others.

‎[Tweet ” Persons with low self esteem, seek to pull others down to the low level they are at – Coach Amina “]‎

Take out time for yourself and honestly respond to these questions: ‎

  • Who am I?
  • Where am I?
  • Where am I headed?
  • Where do I want to go?
  • how far do I want to go?

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