If you were to rate your own level of commitment to excellence, what would you rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10. 10 being the highest.

Another way to put it – If you were to hire your own services, how would you rate your level of excellence and competence?

The Author John Gardner once said, “The society which scorns excellence in plumbing because plumbing is a humble activity and tolerates shoddiness in philosophy because it is an exalted activity will have neither good plumbing nor good philosophy. Neither its pipes nor its theories will hold water.”

Bottom line, it’s not about the activity but your commitment to excellence in whatever you do.

Just last week my IPad and phone decided to break down on the same day. Because I was too far away from where I usually get my things fixed. I went to a nearby repair shop.

First my phone screen was replaced with a black one instead of its original white colour, so now I have a black and white phone.

Second my iPad screen was replaced and it had specs of dust under the screen. I took it back several times and each time it came back with more issues. Now I am taking it back again.

I will never use their servies again.

How committed are you to what you do?

‎We all admire people who display high competence. For leaders, competence is especially important. It can determine, whether you are respected and followed or whether you are not.

Here’s the good news, anyone willing to do the following can step up their game, the quality of competence can be cultivated:

  • Show up every day – It starts with realizing that every single day is a new day and life is in session. No rehearsals. You must be present and bring your energy with you. No matter how you feel, or how difficult the task is. Ever heard the saying, “All things come to him who waits.” Unfortunately, sometimes it’s just the leftovers from the people who got there first.
  • Keep improving – you must intentionally have a growth plan, keep learning and improving. As I always say, for a seed to become a tree it must grow. For you to reach your fullest potentials and be the best version of yourself, you must keep growing.
  • Follow through with excellence – do not settle for the habit of starting well and finishing poorly even worse, starting and not finishing. As leaders we expect our people to follow through when we hand them the ball. They also expect that and a whole lot more from us as their leader.
  • Accomplish more than expected – highly competent people always go the extra mile. For them good enough is never good enough. As mentioned in an earlier post, You need to get the job done and then some! ‎
  • Inspire others – frankly it’s either you add value to others or you subtract from them. What type of leader are you? Highly competent leaders do more than perform at a high level. They inspire and motivate their people to do the same.

Where do you stand when it comes to getting the job done? Do you attack everything you do with fervor and perform at the highest level possible? Or is good enough sometimes good enough for you?‎

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