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Take Center Stage [Live Event]- Waitlist

Create Your Very Own High-Level Business Strategy That Gets You Seen, Heard, and Highly Paid

— without compromising the integrity of your dream, your mission and who you truly are

Join Me At The Take Center Stage Virtual Live Event - December 12th - 13th & 14th, 2024

You Weren’t Built To Be “Just Another Voice”

With your gifts, skills, savvy, and life experience – you’re here to be a cut above. An unmissable magnet for those you’ve been called to serve — who instantly get it the second they meet you.

There’s Just One Problem:

In the marketplace, your value is closely tied to the attention you receive, and those days of letting your work speak for itself are gone.
To stand out, you need to understand how to separate yourself from the crowd. If you fail to distinguish yourself from all the noise, you’ll struggle to garner the attention, engagement, and following necessary to build influence and authority.
The urgency in your heart to share your bigger vision is a clear sign that there are people out there who need you and are yearning for your unique voice to cut through the noise threatening to drown you.

You’ve Got To Stand Out, And I Mean,

Pop-out-in-a-crowd kind of stand out!

Positioning so strong that it makes people desperately thirsty for a tall glass of whatever you’re pouring – and walk over broken glass buck naked just to meet you!

"Even though I had won so many awards internationally, I was amazed by Coach Amina Z's carriage and openness. She made me dream bigger... With new found courage, I launched my personal brand on my birthday - through a live event/concert - where I told my compelling story in my own unique style, to a room filled with over 500 people! My life has changed! AND now I flaunt my fire with epic results constantly!”

This is an invitation to join me for an immersive 3-day intimate, deep dive into your best year yet.

Your personal AUTHORITY (AKA your God-given gifts and talents) has the power to transform millions of lives and make you an incredible amount of money in the process.

Your MESSAGE can influence millions, help you close high-paying clients, and shatter the revenue ceiling in your business WHILE WORKING LESS.

Take Center Stage is an immersive, interactive 3-day virtual live event experience that gives you an opportunity to experience real actionable strategy that can take that dream bottled up inside you and allow you to share it with the world in a way that will be heard, turn a profit, and ultimately, change lives.

"Coach Amina Z has a most effective manner of presenting a challenging subject matter that stretches one’s thinking… Her professional image and her masterful knowledge of her subject are her more notable attributes. As a direct result of this program, I found the courage to BUY OUT my business partner and become my own brand. I now spend my free time going after my other very unique dreams.”

Don’t Just Show Up – Show Off. Don’t Just Be Seen – Make A Scene.

I’m Coach Amina Z, leadership, personal brand + business strategist, and for over 2 decades I’ve helped thousands of leaders, experts and service-based entrepreneurs (hands on) discover what they REALLY want out of their life AND bring that vision into existence as their new current reality…

Now, I’m here to help you create your very own high-level strategy that gets your message out to millions and your mission out to more of the world.

My specialty is calling out your God-given unique abilities, and (re)imagining how you show up from inside out to leave your awe-struck clients in the wake of your incredible authority business and brand.  

With a keen eye for style and a brain overflowing with ideas + strategy, I’ve been told that I have a second-to-none knack for helping you hone in on what makes you distinctly different, and then turning it into a unique profitable brand that gets you seen, heard and highly paid.

In other (less fancy) words, I help my clients design a business and life that works for them, makes them proud and allows them to live the life they’ve always dreamed of. 

My aim is to help you stand out—miles (and millions) above the crowd.

Come on in.

If you’re ready to invest in a virtual live event experience where you actually get work DONE, on-site, instead of simply talking about it… AND make a firm decision to take center stage… this virtual live event is for you.

This isn’t just another business program, it’s the elixir for your success—a sparkling blend of strategy, creativity, and sass that will leave the rest of your industry gasping for air—where we’ll unleash the fierce, entrepreneur within you. 

Your business will be a symphony of your sparkling personality, and your clients will be your biggest fans, hanging onto your every word. 

But let me be clear, this live event is not for the faint of heart. It’s for ambitious souls like you, ready to rise above the ordinary and create an extraordinary life.

Are you ready to get seen, heard and highly paid to be your fabulous self? 

Join the Take Center Stage live event, and together, we’ll make waves that’ll shake the very foundations of the entrepreneurial world!

"There were times when I felt like I didn't know myself but sticking with the program has allowed me to clearly define who I am, what my brand identity is and finally step into my power and authority! I'm so lucky I found this amazing program. Thank you Coach Amina Z for this experience."
Antoine Philips

That Said, This Is Perfect If:

You are…

A powerhouse service-based entrepreneur (coach, speaker, author, expert)… ready Ready to unleash your wildest ideas and create mind-blowing HIGH-END offerings.

A rare breed (& people tell you all the time)… but it’s a mixed blessing — because so far, you’re not 100% sure HOW to articulate exactly that-thing-you-do, and what makes it extremely valuable.

An elite-level expert who wants to show up bigger on your industry’s stage speak on stages, and get interviewed on podcasts, even host your own high converting events… but you’re not clear on your unique speciality and approach or what exactly you want to be known FOR, which means you’re kind of throwing spaghetti at the wall. 

Needing to pivot. Your current business model has stopped feeling like “you”… so you’re laying low behind the scenes when you should be out rattling cages with strategy so true-to-you, it never goes out of style.

You want…

To kickass online, attracting top-shelf clients willing to pay your premium prices without batting an eyelash.

To rock an unforgettable brand that commands attention, respect, and a healthy bank account—even if your audience is still warming up.

To become a master at compelling stories that resonate with your audience, gets them invested and make your right-fit clients scream, “Finally, someone gets me!”

To know the secret sauce of crafting your signature statement that opens wallets faster than a sale on designer shoes.

To impact thousands or even millions, leaving an indelible mark on this world.

What To Expect…

It’s time to turn heads, drop jaws, + take names

This is a virtual live event that you can attend from anywhere in the world! And we promise, it won’t be just another zoom meeting. 

You’ll get a personal one-on-one check in experience to make sure you’re all set, access to an event dashboard with everything you’ll need during the event, plus bonus sessions and interactive breakouts throughout the event so you can put your thoughts into action.

We’ll spend an immersive 3 days soaking up the energy of your vision.

You’ll get the exact step-by-step instructions to create a smart strategy that positions you for your best next level of success.

Then we’re going to break down the exact structure to use to get seen, heard, and highly paid.


We’ll work to identifying your unique God-given gifts + passion and weave more of you + your genius into your business and life:

Craft your “Big Promise”: that communicates your point-of-view, underscores what sets you apart and shapes all your brand and marketing messages.

 Create your unique signature system so you can reverse engineer your program design, experience, and the delivery.

 Develop your core message by digging into your specialty, and your signature approach within this speciality. Think: content, concepts, offers: 

 Discover how to repurpose your signature system and skillset into things like a signature package, opt-in, social posts, products and programs:


Now that we have the strategy set, we can start your monetization game plan to ADD A ZERO to your revenue in the months ahead:

Discover exactly what it takes to design high ticket offers that’s actually irresistible, so you don’t have to worry, or feel like you’re being inauthentic, pushy or salesy.

Learn how to massively build your authority and credibility in the marketplace causing people to line up to attend your programs.

Learn how easy it is to sell a $25K product than a $25 product.

Uncover the single most effective exercise to increase conversion and your perceived value…not to mention actual value.


Our last day together is devoted to helping you GET OUT THERE—trust and share your specialty with clear and bold confidence:

Learn how to increase your visibility—without a SCRAP of anxiety.

Learn how to overcome the 5 biggest challenges + belief shifts your customers might have, and need.

Integrate your high level strategy into the design of your programs.

Map out your timeline  with a detailed plan of action and put your ideas into action.

"This was timely intervention for my business and my team. It lit the fire in my heart and gave my team and I a new found inspiration to forge ahead. I am a much stronger leader and my team has a stronger sense of direction, and a deep understanding of the overall vision and individual value to the dream. We've grown in ways we never thought possible."
Sarah Boulos


You will…

Uncover your specialty. ‘Because you know you’re good at something that keeps people spell bound, but you can’t read the label from inside the bottle.

Pinpoint your big idea and whittle down to your clear perspective and point of view, that gets you excited to share your message — so the next time you’re face to face with your tribe,  you could confidently tell them exactly who you are, what you do and what makes it wildly valuable. 

Craft a magnetic personal brand that commands attention, respect, retains your unique authenticity AND attracts top-shelf clients who gladly pay premium prices, leaving your competition in the dust.

Define your signature system— because you shouldn’t just be selling deliverables, but your approach too—so that you can package and price your programs and expertise, with an offer that makes people go “I need that!”

Get radically clear on the outstanding results you deliver with the confidence to back it up. 

The result of all these? A business that truly reflects who you + a pipeline overflowing with highly qualified prospects who see your true VALUE and can’t wait to work with you.

Every Moment Will Be Unique…

We’ll get things done while having a whole lot of fun… a lot of laughs… a few tears… and massive transformation.
Prepare for life-changing connections, Unforgettable moments, workshopping (complete with resources and support to propel you forward!),  real time practice, masterminding, and breakthroughs.
You will never believe how much massive action you can take in just 3 days. I will take your dreams, and create your leveraged action plan, to achieve your greatest rewards, and make that bold move you may not even be able to imagine right now.
You’ll walk away refreshed, rejuvenated, and with a renewed sense of purpose and possibility in your business and life. 
"The program provided such renewed drive in my life that my biggest regret is possibly not doing such a program years earlier AND the wonderful content, management of the program and interactions with other participants, created balance, a greater experience and perspective, it really enhanced the overall experience and value."

Reserve Your Spot Now

(Lock in the early bird price before it goes up)



We kick off at 11 am ET each day, and our day will end around 8 pm ET on Thursday and Friday, 6 pm ET on Saturday.
Of course we’ll have plenty of breaks throughout the day to use the bathroom, stretch your legs, hydrate, and fuel your body.

YES! Even if you have no idea where to start designing your business and life, this event is for you.

On Day 2, we’ll design your high-level strategy together, and THEN I’ll show you how to take that system and reverse engineer it into your marketing messaging so you can reach your right fit clients.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re brand new to the online business world or you’re a seasoned pro, Take Center Stage is for you. Our clients come back to us year over year because of the power of iteration.

No matter how many events you’ve done in the past, we’ll meet you where you’re at and give the tools to refine your offer, your messaging and your event model to have your biggest payday yet.

Right now, you can get your ticket to the Take Center Stage Virtual Live Events for only $297! One of the many reasons we love live virtual events is that we can make it more accessible to more people because the overhead is so low!

We may very well raise the price in the future, but for now, you can claim your ticket for the cost of a dinner out!

First, we’re going to Design Your Dream. We’ll work to identify your unique strengths, powers, and passions, identifying ways to weave more of you and your genius into your business and life to create a God-given dream alignment.

Then, we’ll do a deep dive into your bigger vision and desires for the future, so we can clearly chart your course for greatness. We’ll review the glorious history of your business’s past and present, and your ideas for the future — so your brand is a perfect fit for who you are, and who you’re becoming.

Once we’ve got the vision, we’ll develop your core message by digging into your specialty, and your signature approach within this speciality.

Think: content, concepts, and offers: based on this new speciality, how can we repurpose your signature approach and skillset into things like a signature package, opt-in, social posts, products and programs, and/or speaking topics?

If you’re willing to roll up your sleeves and do the work, participate in the breakouts, play full out during the exercises and apply what we teach, you will have a crystal clear plan for getting your message out to millions.

This immersive, interactive event is designed to help you strategize at a high-level, and monetize your mission.

You can invite your spouse, your business partner, your best friend or your team to watch the event with you, but each registration gets you one “zoom seat” – in other words, if you’re in front of the same screen, you can participate together.

If you want to invite people to join you remotely through their own zoom account, send them the link to this page and have them claim their seat!

We get it. Your time is more valuable than ever, and you can’t afford to waste your time, money and effort on anything that isn’t going to move the needle forward.

You’re wondering if this is going to be another event that teaches you another strategy you feel excited about for a couple weeks, and then never think about again. You’re not interested in another pitch fest.

And here’s the thing. You could let this opportunity pass you by. You could skip out on learning the shortcuts we’ve learned after nearly two decades producing high-converting live events.

You could wake up 10 years from now and wonder if this would have been the thing that changed your life.

Or you could say yes to yourself, invest your time, invest the $297 to claim your seat, and roll up your sleeves and create a brand new life for yourself.

This isn’t a “get rich quick” scheme. We aren’t going to give you a magic wand that does the work for you.

But we are going to hand you everything you need to know to transform your business and your life.

"I opted in without thinking twice, but nothing prepared me for the experience, I found myself nodding throughout the day 1 training. To see that someone gets you and has the insights to help you refine your dreams comes with a lot of relief. Going through the training day after day, it moved from being just another program to becoming an experience."

If you’re ready to get off the sidelines, step into the spotlight and get a PROVEN time-tested strategy that gets you seen, heard and highly paid, then it’s time to Take Center Stage.