Titanic, Gone with the Wind, Pearl Harbour, Grease, Singing in the Rain, The Shawshank Redemption, The Godfather, Scarface, The Green Mile, Jaws, Rocky, 12 Years a Slave, The Great Gatsby, Prestige, The King’s Speech, The Great Escape, An officer and a Gentleman… These are all movies that engage your spirit soul and body.

I remember watching X-men ‘last man standing’ at the cinemas a long time ago. I was so into the movie that I felt I could jump from the 4th floor of a building to the ground floor.

I won’t forget my reaction to the end part of  ‘The Pursuit of Happiness’ when Will Smith was told he got the job. Oh my my my. I cried a bucket full.

As for Titanic, I refused to watch that one for 3 months. When I finally did, my friends had a bet that I would cry. I was doing really good until that part of the movie where the ship started to sink and the musicians chose not to run, accepted their fate, stayed put and started to play nearer my God to thee. My friends won the bet.

Let’s not even talk about 300…hmm!

Just as the Script Writers, Producers, Directors, Actors, every single person involved in making a movie already experienced the movie, completed the movie before presenting it, God essentially completed you and everything concerning you, before you were conceived.
Every now and then while driving, I see a building under construction or an empty land, with a large sign that says ‘coming soon’ with a very detailed picture of what the completed building will look like. Just as a builder first develops an idea and a blueprint and then starts building, God established your end and gives you glimpses of his completed work/your purpose, through the visions he alone put in your hearts.‎

A few things you need to know:

  • Your beginning is proof of your completion. God already had the complete model of your life before you began. He’s already been where you are. Take courage, especially during those days when it’s hard to see ahead, do not be discouraged. Know that He has made provisions, you already have everything you need. He has strategically placed people, signs, and all you need in the different seasons of your life.
Purpose is established before production, therefore the fact that you were started is proof that you are already complete.
  • Your Vision comes from purpose. Have u ever seen anyone invest time, energy and attention in something he is creating and have no idea what he is doing? I am not talking about impulsive action. Anyone, who takes great pain, puts in so much time, effort, passion, love and attention to create something, definitely has a purpose in mind.

‘Vision flows from purpose. God is the Author of Vision and its his nature to be purposeful in everything he does. Everything! God is a God of Purpose.’

Vision is not mere interest. It’s a burning passion that takes over your life. It’s bigger than you.

[Tweet “Vision possesses you, you don’t possess it – Coach Amina”]
  • God created you with a purpose. You have a purpose. ‎You are not an accident. ‎You may have been a surprise or perhaps a shock to your parents but not to God.‎ Every cell in your body has its purpose, every flower, animal.. has its purpose. You were created on purpose and God who created you is more than able to bring that purpose to pass. If you will properly align.
  • You were born at the right time. Take a moment.. Write down and ponder on your birth day. The Date, Day, Time, Month, Year. If you don’t know the day you were born, its very ok, God knows. That’s all that counts.

Why do we note the day a person is born? Why do we register it and get a certificate? Why do we celebrate our birthdays?

Everything on earth has its time and seasons. There is time for every purpose under the heavens – King Solomon

The season for your purpose is the entire time you are present on earth. Do not waste it. Don’t spend time wishing you were born in another time and age. Your set time is Now. The ball is now solidly in your court. Serve!

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